Fundraising for us…

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Interested in raising funds for Amber's Army? These are our guidelines which apply to all voluntary fundraising activities and events, by agreeing to fundraise for Amber's Army you must also agree to comply with these rules.

We reserve the right to request written confirmation of agreement to the rules if we feel it is necessary or appropriate.

If you are under 18, it is your parent/guardian's responsibility to agree to comply to these rules and ensure you follow them.

  • You agree to work as an independent supporter of Amber's Army when organising your fundraising activity or event. As an independent supporter all communication must state you are fundraising in aid of Amber's Army and not on behalf of Amber's Army.

  • Any guidance or instruction that is provided by Amber's Army must be complied with in relation to your activity or event but, whilst doing so, you are responsible for organising the detailed elements of your activity or event.

  • All costs and expenses incurred as a result of organising the activity or event are your responsibility and cannot be claimed from Amber's Army or deducted from the funds raised.

  • All proceeds raised by your activity or event are to be paid to Amber's Army as soon as possible once the activity or event is completed.

  • Written permission is required for use of the Amber's Army name or logo, as well as any images of Amber. If you wish to apply for permission to use the Amber's Army name, logo or images of Amber please email [email protected] detailing how and where you would use these.

  • When signing up to fundraise for Amber's Army you are agreeing to the use of your contact details to enable Amber's Army representatives to discuss your activity or event with you and to check on progress. You are also agreeing to receive future correspondence from Amber's Army. Please see our privacy policy for further information on how your data will be handled by us.

  • Photos and videos taken during your activity or event can be sent to Amber's Army for us to use for commercial or fundraising purposes, this includes but is not limited to sharing on our social media pages and website. By sending any photos or videos to Amber's Army, you are agreeing that anyone featured in the images has confirmed their consent to Amber's Army using the images in this way.

  • It is your responsibility to risk assess potential issues with your fundraising activity or event and accept liability for any injury or loss that could impact you, any additional volunteers or attendees. You will take all reasonable and necessary health and safety precautions to protect everyone involved with or attending your activity or event.

  • You agree to comply to any applicable laws and regulations pertaining to your activity or event.

  • You agree to obtain any necessary licences, consent or permissions such as for holding raffles, lotteries or selling alcohol.

  • You accept that the Amber's Army insurance policy does not apply to your activity or event and therefore will not cover any incidents or claims made by you, any other persons involved or attendees of your event.

  • You agree that your activity or event will not result in any threat to Amber's Army's reputation or name. This includes running an activity or event which is deemed inappropriate by Amber's Army.

  • We reserve the right to ask you to cease all fundraising activity immediately if you are not compliant with our rules.

We agree to comply with the fundraising guidelines.